Totalmed Transcription is one of the most trusted names in India to provide excellent medical transcription services. Backed by a team of over 250 dexterous professionals, the company specializes in providing high-quality medical transcription services to all kinds of medical facilities, including hospitals, medical research centers, nursing homes, clinics, and medical transcription service organizations. Physicians, doctors, and dentists can also avail of our HIPAA compliant transcription services at affordable prices.

Totalmed Transcription has a dedicated team of certified medical transcriptionists, who specialize in providing error-free text copies within the stipulated time. In our team, experienced transcriptionists, editors and IT support specialists work in coordination with each other to meet the guidelines provided by the clients in a hassle-free manner. We have hired professionals from all walks of medical sciences to achieve excellent results. All our professionals are adept in promptly interpreting medical terminologies and abbreviations in order to efficiently prepare medical histories, discharge summaries and other related documents of patients.

Our certified medical transcriptionists ensure 99% accuracy in the transcription reports by following strict quality control parameters to keep up with the quality expectations of our valuable clients. Our experienced transcriptionists listen to the voice recordings received from the health care providers to convert them in text reports. Depending on the requirements, our certified medical transcriptionists may also review and edit provided medical documents by using the speech recognition technology.

Specialty Areas

As a renowned company, providing accurate medical transcription services to our clients across the globe, we pay utmost importance to deliver flawless reports. Apart from our specialization in maintaining high-quality, we also provide a 7-day free trial for transcription services to ensure our clients receive maximum satisfaction through our services. Set of our attributes and expertise in the industry make us stand apart in the industry.

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