Totalmed Transcription specializes in delivering high-quality medical transcription services to clients in the healthcare sector. With a team of qualified and experienced transcriptionists, we assist doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, medical research centers, and all other healthcare providers with excellent medical transcription services.
EHRS transcript is among our top-rated services. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems store the data accurately to perceive the state of a patient across time. The information may include patient demographics, problems, past medical history, progress notes, vital signs, medications, radiology reports, and laboratory data. By offering EHRS transcripts to our clients, we assist them in getting a complete record of their patients’ clinical encounter and other care-related activities.
EHR gives healthcare organizations and independent healthcare providers the ability to exchange health information electronically to provide their patients with high-quality treatment and care. Electronic health records help multiple healthcare providers in getting quick access to patients’ records to provide coordinated and efficient care. Our offered EHRS transcripts are absolutely safe to share with patients and clinicians, which adds to the importance of our provided services.
At Totalmed Transcription, Our experienced IT professionals work on the single, integrated database platform to offer transcription services without compromising on quality. Getting accurate and up-to-date information about patients, healthcare providers can effectively diagnose, treat, and provide superior care as per their present health condition. EHRS transcript removes manual errors and helps in providing a more reliable prescription to patients. Constant monitoring and superior quality that EHRS records provide is certainly not possible with any other medical transcription services. Following strict quality standards, we make sure our offered electronic transcriptions keep the personal details and patients’ data secure.
By providing electronic transcriptions, we help cut down the use of paper, improve the safety and health of patients. While e-transcriptions enhance the health-providing ability of the healthcare providers, it also promises a high level of security, privacy and resource control to make it a complete package.