
The medical transcription services entail converting audio recordings of healthcare professionals regarding their patients into written form. It enables healthcare practitioners to keep track of patients’ previous and current medical conditions. The HIPAA compliance has increased in recent years, which now requires the medical practitioners to keep detailed and comprehensive records of their patient’s treatment and history. Naturally, this takes a lot of time and work.

The need to opt for urology transcription

The load on the Urology department is rapidly increasing because of increased work pressure caused by a variety of ailments. The doctors are no longer able either to spend their valuable time filing and recording. Evidently, hospitals nowadays prefer hiring medical transcription services providers to transcribe the records of patients.

Because of various stereotypes that persist in the minds of medical transcription services providers, many medical practitioners are hesitant to take over the transcription task of the urology department to someone else. Following are the top 3 common assumptions concerning urology transcription

1. The medical transcription services are expensive

Many experts offering medical transcription services believe transcriptions are extremely expensive, and will increase the costs of medical care excessively. This, however, is not the case. The medical transcription services are reasonable, and they can help you save a lot of money. You won’t have to pay any set costs for it. TotalMed transcription, for example, offers the service for as little as 7 cents per line, with no additional fees.

2. Transcription services are risky

It’s yet another myth. In fact, the medical transcription services are extremely secure, and the experts care to take all the required precautions to protect data security. The transcriptionists get all the notes using safe and uncompromising methods. The involved companies hence make sure to implement extensive security procedures to protect the information.

3. The transcription services are not HIPAA compliant

Most businesses have this misconception regarding transcribing services, which is simply untrue. Several transcription firms work following HIPAA regulations and adhere to all of its rules. Medical urology providers must ensure that they exclusively use services from HIPAA-compliant organizations.

It is hence better to clear the confusion instead of believing the myths associated with the medical transcription services. The best way to dispel them is to use the service and discover what possible benefits you can derive from it. The same holds with urology transcription as well.

The best service provider

Totalmed Transcription, a reputed company holds excellence in performing accurate, precise and cost-effective transcriptions. Hence, if you are looking for one, hiring its medical transcription services would be an ideal move.


Medical transcription is an internal part of the medical line. At times, medical professionals and their team struggle to manage the medical transcription services at their end. The best solution is to go for the leading service providers. Here are the other prominent reasons to select these services:

1. Efficient workplace

Medical professionals and their teams can focus on the diagnosis and treatment while outsourcing the medical transcription services. This improves efficiency at the workplace. Thus, your doctors and nurses can focus on handling more patients than managing the administrative work.

2. Improves accuracy

The medical transcription services employ the qualified technical professionals having experiences of different branches like radiology, oncology, and urology transcription among others. It thus enhances the accuracy in medical transcription that can be as high as 98% to 99% in almost all cases. Many service providers include an additional professional editor to monitor the entire medical transcription process.

3. Helps insurance billing

The insurance billing requires levels of documentation that are routine work for the medical transcription services team. Thus, medical professionals can manage the complete, thorough, and formatted data for sharing with the insurance billing teams.

4. Security in medical transcription

The medical transcription services should comply with the HIPAA privacy requirements. For medical transcription providers, the data should undergo encryption during its transfer from one network to another. The concerned service provider should also have proper back of the data so that it could be recoverable in case of data loss or crash. Only authorized users should have access to the patient’s data, it should remain protected from change or tampering. Further, medical transcription data require strong encryption for storage.

With all these security guidelines for medical transcription data, many medical professionals resolve to the medical transcription services. The companies like Totalmed Transcription handle end-to-end security requirements to ensure that you don’t have to face any issues afterward. Performing background reference checks on its respective teams further raises the security levels.

Act now! Approach the best service provider

To conclude, multiple reasons would tempt you to go for professional medical transcription services. Totalmed Transcription offers end-to-end transcription services to different clients that are highly affordable and secure. You can benefit from its dexterous and expert team in keeping your urology transcription safe, manageable, and highly affordable. The same holds for its other transcription services as well. Furthermore, high-end accuracy and dedication of its profession would tempt you to prefer its services to others in the industry.

When it comes to healthcare documentation and preparing medical reports for the clinical records then the medical transcriptionists play a prominent role. Although the use of voice-recognition or transcription software is gaining ground, the transcribed documents need to be proofread by the physician that amounts to the added burden. Employing an in-house team of medical transcriptionists or hiring a third-party vendor would ensure that you get error-free medical reports that will serve you, your patients, other medical professionals and the insurance company.

Urology is that branch of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis, and prevention of surgical and medical diseases of male and female urinary-tract system and the reproductive system. Hiring a specialist for urology transcription is bound to provide you with an array of benefits:-

Provides you transcription services for different types of notes

Whether you require clinic notes, ER and Health Reports, transcripts for lab reports, or reports related to surgical procedures, bladder biopsies, prostate cancer or bladder installation, hiring an experienced medical transcriptionist for urology transcription would help you get the best results.

Delivers high quality and accurate transcripts

A certified and expert urology transcriptionist will ensure that you get the error-free comprehensive reports that prove to be valuable for you and your patient as well as other physicians. If you want that the transcriptionist should directly translate your dictation and upload it into your EMR system, the transcriptionist will do the same in a professional way.

Helps you in the documentation and management of health records

Besides providing the best healthcare services to patients, maintaining their medical records is essential for a physician. A well-documented psychology transcription report helps other medical professionals to get in-depth knowledge of the patient’s case history and the present health condition that facilitate them to provide the right medications and treatment accordingly.

Saves your precious time and money

Be it a small clinic or a large hospital, a transcriptionist saves precious time and money of the doctor by providing valuable service. Translating the voice or video files into the text form to prepare medical reports makes it easy for physicians to focus better on delivering high-quality healthcare services to the patients.

Gives you the best results to your highest satisfaction

Whether you require urology transcription, cardiology transcription or psychology transcription, you can gain leverage from the expertise and experience of skilled transcriptionist of a leading company when you outsource the services to them. You are likely to get the best results at an economical price.

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